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Growing & Maturing!

Writer: By Pastor Andy PlankBy Pastor Andy Plank

June 13, 2021

As I scroll through my Facebook feed, read posts, and look at pictures posted by my friends, it occurs to me that while I wasn’t paying attention, something drastic has happened to my friends and if it happened to them, it happened to me as well. What is it you ask? We have gotten older, that’s what! I’m not exactly sure how it happened, because it wasn’t so long ago that I had lots of black hair and wore 32X32 pants. Now, what little hair I have left is mostly gray and on a good day, my pants have expanded to 36X30. By the way, I understand the 36 part, but the 30 part tells me that not only have I gotten thicker around the waist, I have gotten shorter as well. I didn’t mean to get older, grayer, balder, shorter and, well, fatter, it just happened. It also occurred to me that not only have I gotten older physically, I have gotten older spiritually as well. The things I used to think were important as far as my relationship with God was concerned don’t seem as important anymore. For example, as I have matured spiritually, the need to be right about everything has fallen way down on my list of spiritual priorities. In fact, it doesn’t take up any space in my mind at all. As I have gotten older, I have also come to realize that I don’t have all the answers as far as God and the Bible are concerned. In fact, I’m not sure I even understand all the questions! I have also matured enough to realize that it is okay to not have all the answers and just admit that there are some things about God and His word that I don’t know or understand. As a “seasoned saint”, let me share with you what is on my mind today. Today, more than anything else, I want to walk and talk with God. I want to be in step with Him as I go about my day. I accomplish this by meditating on God’s word and keeping the communication lines open with Him. The next most important task on my “to do” list today is to remember as I walk in step with God, He will lead me into the paths of people that don’t know Him. I want to let the light of Jesus shine so brightly in my life that these folks with whom I come into contact must put on SONglasses! Let me be clear. It is important to read God’s word and keep His commandments. In fact, God’s word reminds me that one of the primary ways I show my love for God is to keep His commandments. With that having been said, just as it is natural for an apple tree to mature and produce apples, it is also natural for a Christian to mature and bear fruit for Jesus. Maturing physically doesn’t take any special talent. It just happens naturally. In fact, quite often, it happens without us even realizing it. On the other hand, maturing spiritually takes time and purpose. We must consciously empty ourselves so the Holy Spirit can fill us. Then and only then will we find ourselves maturing spiritually as well as physically. So, enjoy getting old, it is a gift that not everyone gets to receive!

Be blessed and be a blessing . . . Andy



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