January 12, 2020
With all the hype of Christmas and New Year, one event that slips by us pretty much unnoticed is the coming of winter. The end of December not only brings holidays, it also transitions us into our next season. I know that here in Tennessee, the weather seems to often miss the memo, but winter is, in fact, upon us. While we sometimes have crazy weather here, and quite often one season transitions quickly into the next (one-week autumn and spring) our area does generally enjoy four distinct seasons. I am a fall and spring fan myself, followed by winter and then for me, summer brings up the rear. Your “favored season” order may be different, but I am thankful for the changes that a variety of seasons provide. Life is that way too. We go through different seasons of our lives. Infancy, childhood, teen, young adult, middle age, and elderly pretty much sum those seasons up. Let’s take it a step farther. No matter what season of life in which we find ourselves, that season will have a variety of “seasons” as well (think blackberry and Indian summer). We may spend part of a season on the mountaintop while another part may be in the valley. For some, it seems most of their life is spent on the mountaintop and for others, it might seem that they seem to spend an extraordinarily long time in the valley. However, for most of us, during the course of our lives, those mountaintop and valley seasons pretty much balance themselves out. The one thing we need to remember is that in whatever season we are experiencing, God is still on His throne and in charge. As the southern gospel song says, “the God on mountain is still the God in the valley.” May I give all of us some advice? Enjoy the winter time. I know it might be cold and dreary, but there is an odd beauty in looking over a field or into the trees on a frosty morning. Don’t spend your winter wishing it were summer. You are here. The time is now. Enjoy the blessings. Enjoy your seasons of life too, no matter where you might find yourself, remember, it is a wonderful world!
Be blessed and go be a blessing…..Bro. Andy
